Troubleshooting AppScan – Bypass application logoff on close

Troubleshooting IBM AppScan Login Macros

Creating a login macro with AppScan can be extremely simple or extremely frustrating. I recently ran into a application which required I use Prompt login method because of a secondary info which was required. AppScan was successfully recording the login and detecting session variables.

However I later realized that the application I was scanning had a logout script in place which got triggered on browser close. So whenever AppScan prompted me to login, I would enter it and close the browser. AppScan would immediately logoff and ask for authentication again.

The Answer!Task Manager - Troubleshooting Appscan

So to bypass the logout script you can kill the browser process using Task Manager instead of simple closing it after you have recorded the login sequence/macro.

AppScan will continue scanning. It is recommended you use an external browser such as Chrome or Firefox.



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